International Meditation Program in May
2018-05-09/by IDIAEnglish training courses during Hangil meditation center’s temple stay in Dallas
2018-04-06/by IDIAVolunteering with the temple stay program for the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics
2018-03-24/by IDIAInternational meditation program
2018-03-24/by IDIA문화사업단 발간 템플스테이 매뉴얼
2018-03-24/by IDIA텍사스 한길선원의 해외포교 프로젝트 일환인 포교사파견 지원프로그램 추진내용
2018-02-21/by IDIA미주 텍사스 한길선원 주관: 유학생관리/명상지도 포교사 초빙 및 ESL/meditation과정 연수희망 포교사 모집
2018-02-21/by IDIA뉘른베르크 명상 프로그램 회향
2018-01-10/by IDIAIDIA
The International Dharma Instructors’ Association, a missionary organization affiliated with Bureau of Missionary Activities of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism (JOKB), which was established in 1988, is composed of lay ordained Buddhist members who have completed the training program and passed a qualifying exam.
Contact us
3F, 67, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul,
Republic of Korea
T E L: +82-2-722-2206 F A X: +82-2-722-2203