Nepal Seoul temple, The day of Padmasamghava
2018-08-16/by IDIAThe 2nd Korean speech contest for foreign workers
2018-08-09/by IDIAThailand Bupsinsa meditation Center opening ceremony
2018-07-29/by IDIA의정부 태국 담마가야 명상센터 (법신사) 개원법회 초청
2018-07-11/by IDIA2018 외국인 근로자 한국 전통문화 기행
2018-06-09/by IDIA제13회 외국인근로자 한국전통문화기행 뉴스
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2017-10-17/by IDIAIDIA
The International Dharma Instructors’ Association, a missionary organization affiliated with Bureau of Missionary Activities of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism (JOKB), which was established in 1988, is composed of lay ordained Buddhist members who have completed the training program and passed a qualifying exam.
Contact us
3F, 67, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul,
Republic of Korea
T E L: +82-2-722-2206 F A X: +82-2-722-2203