Last class at the Buddhist English Library
2018-07-12/by IDIAWe are singing international Dharma instructors (불교신문 page 6, February 27, 2017)
2017-05-26/by IDIAMelody offerings by IDIA Choir to the Korean immigrants in America
2017-05-05/by IDIA고봉중고등학교 ‘Buddha’s Era 2561 World Without Discrimination We are the hero’
2017-04-27/by IDIA제 10회 보리수 아래 ‘시, 그대 노래로 피어나다’ 공연
2017-04-27/by IDIAIDIA
The International Dharma Instructors’ Association, a missionary organization affiliated with Bureau of Missionary Activities of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism (JOKB), which was established in 1988, is composed of lay ordained Buddhist members who have completed the training program and passed a qualifying exam.
Contact us
3F, 67, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul,
Republic of Korea
T E L: +82-2-722-2206 F A X: +82-2-722-2203