IDIA 최근 활동입니다.

IDIA 최근 활동입니다.

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IDIA 최근 활동입니다.

부울경지부 8주년 기념법회
IDIA 최근 활동입니다.

국제포교사 부울경지부 서면 사무실 현판식
IDIA 최근 활동입니다.
The International Dharma Instructors’ Association, a missionary organization affiliated with Bureau of Missionary Activities of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism (JOKB), which was established in 1988, is composed of lay ordained Buddhist members who have completed the training program and passed a qualifying exam.
3F, 67, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul,
Republic of Korea
T E L: +82-2-722-2206 F A X: +82-2-722-2203
EMAIL: idia.seoul@gmail.com